Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ocean trench: Take a dive 11,000m down

Icy cold, pitch black and with crushing pressure-the deepest part of the ocean is one of the most hostile places on the planet. Only two explorers have made the epic jouney there: 11 km ( 7 miles) down to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench. As a new wave of explorers are gearing up to repeat this remarkable dive, take a look at the mysterious world that they will be plunging into. Click on the following link then post your response!


  1. as i looked at the picture i saw a lot of really cool organisms. i'm amazed that someone could dive down that far. i thought the maximum level was around 600 feet. i guess i was wrong! this article and videos are really really cool! it would be very interesting to dive down that far and observe the cool organisms!

  2. Wow, that is really deep. The water pressure at such a depth must be pretty killer. Better have pretty great equipment to go that deep and be pretty brave and crazy with the possibility of giant squid and being confined to small small for so long. I saw James Cameron, the dude who directed Titanic and Avatar used some fancy singled manned sub to go down there a few months back. Personally, I probably wouldn't do something like that just seems like something where too many things could go wrong. But hey, if you did decide to go down there I bet you would see some incredible stuff.

  3. When I took oceanography last semester I learned about all of the layers and depths of the ocean. I think it is amazing that animals and various organisms can live all the way down there. The pressure is so high and it can get very cold. There are also places called undersea vents that seep gases and heat into the water, making the surrounding water extremely hot and filled with potentially poisonous gases! I can barely imagine an animal going down that deep, much less a real, live human being. The technology that we have today for exploring the ocean, such as ROV's, AUV's, submarines, etc., never cease to amaze me. I wish I could explore such interesting places!
