Friday, June 3, 2011

Giant Squid Podcast from the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)

How do you get two dead Giant Squid the size of a school bus from a fishing boat in Spain to a museum in Washington, DC, USA? Call in the Navy! Find out how Operation Calamari unfolded and how the museum managed to put their new Giant Squid on display.


  1. Wow how can you fit a 24-foot giant female squid into a container than putting the same conainer on a plane and fly it back to the states thats pretty crazy.Haha i guess project calamari was a success in more than one way.

  2. One squid is the size of a school bus? Thats a pretty big squid to be shipping on the plane; isnt there a weight limit on a plane? Thats quite dangerous to be doing but we do have some brave people. As i read this article, that makes me not want to get in a plane ever!

  3. Putting a squid as big as a school bus that is 24 feet in a air plane and flying ti somewhere is crazy. The project was deffinately a success. Reading this article would make me scared to ride on a air plane but then again I have done it before so why be scared now!

  4. How is that even possible? That amazes me! 24 feet is so long especially for a squid! I'm surprised that the plane was able to carry it. Reading this article was greatly informative about giant squid. It would be really cool to experience this in person!
